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December 5, 2009

I’m seeing some changes in Ari…

As I watch Ari closely, I notice some things. 

For one, he seems to have less feeling in his back end and tail.  When he sits, his tail curls under him and he can’t seem to put it anywhere else.  This was very apparent when he was at his worst. 

Secondly, when he has been laying around and then gets up, he really wobbles and his torso seems a bit twisted.  When he was having more seizures, this was a real problem as previous videos showed. 

This afternoon as he was trotting around outside, he seemed to have a grimace on his face at times which I’ve seen when he is in a bit of pain.   Also, he is “pacing” rather than “trotting” and any dog I’ve had when they trot, there is an issue.  I’ve read that a trot is easier on the body and that’s why dogs do it.

So, there you have it…  Just keeping tuned in…

Ari hanging out in the new van

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