It sounds like Ari was a special dog

by laurelstone » Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:30 pm
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts... It was a weekend of ups and downs and Ari is now in his resting place on a hill behind my house.
I have him to thank for getting me into this crazy sport called PSA. I remember helping Paula at a decoy seminar and telling Joe.. I have a dog that can do this.. I went home to get him and yes.. he could do it. I didn't even know what PSA was.
He loved his decoys, especially you Greg. I remember him sitting on the couch next to you when you were doing a seminar in WI and I have a picture of him pretty much sitting on your lap after a bite work session in Baltimore. I also remember (as a number of people do) how he blew me off in his first trial in Baltimore in 2005 in the PDC and then Greg you agreed to trial him minutes later for a PSA 1 and scored in the high 80s 2 days in a row and almost titling him that day. As you walked onto the field, your words were "what are his commands"? Here's the video of the courage test from that day. ...and here is the obedience..
It was then I knew he could DO the work... now he had to learn to do it for me. When we returned to Baltimore a year later, I believe he surprised some people by not only titling but scoring very well. During the trial I remember hoping Don wouldn't say "are you ready" so darn loud because those words to Ari meant "where's the guy to bite". Here's the clip of the end of the handler attack and the courage test from that day. from that trial.
And Jerry... if you're reading this... I'm SURE he was going after the purple MN Vikings shirt and not really you, the judge, when he headed to you instead of the decoy for the call off in the MN trial. Here's the clip of that (better turn the volume down.. I'm yelling NO pretty loud)
It definitely was a RIDE of ups and downs, days of being humbled and days of being proud... but that IS dog training and competing, isn't it. Ari has passed the torch to Brita and I think has secretly taught her how to be a whining, on the edge of being out of control, GSD.... but one that loves to do the work! I'm looking forward to meeting new people and to getting back on the trial field in 2010.
Thank you all!
Brita (06–present)CGC,TherapyDog, HIC,HT,RN,RA,BH,AD,RH,RE,T1,WH,TR1
Ari (99–09)CGC,Therapy Dog,BH,TR1,PSA-TC,PSA-PDC,PSA1,RN
Olivia (99–present)CGC,Therapy Dog,BH,HIC,UCDX,CDX.RN,PSA TC
Kobie (01–present)CGC,Therapy Dog,BH,CD,UCD,HIC,RN
Teddy (99–09)CGC,Therapy Dog,BH,CD,UCD,RN